For Serving Native Communities

 A father is holding a baby in his arms, pulling the baby towards his face

The Healthy Native Babies Project, an adaptation of the national Safe to Sleep® campaign, was created by NICHD in collaboration with representatives from Tribes in the U.S. Northern Tier and others who serve and provide care in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities.

The project provides risk-reduction messages about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related infant deaths culturally tailored for AI/AN families, as well as training materials to help inform outreach and sharing strategies for healthcare, public health, and service providers.   

The Healthy Native Babies Project grew out of the Aberdeen Infant Mortality Study, conducted with support from the NICHD, Indian Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Aberdeen Area Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board. In addition to finding that infant mortality rates and SIDS rates among Northern Plains Indians were higher than the national average, study also identified protective and risk factors for infant mortality and SIDS among AI/AN infants in the study.

In 2023, NICHD began partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the Healthy Native Babies Project. CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health will lead efforts to update and disseminate Healthy Native Babies Project materials and information going forward. Visit the CDC’s About SUID and SIDS webpage to learn more.

Healthy Native Babies Project Tools and Training

Healthcare, public health, and service providers and others can use the following Healthy Native Babies Project materials and information to inform their outreach for sharing safe sleep messages in AI/AN communities. 

Healthy Native Babies Project Workbook Packet

Healthy Native Babies Project Workbook Packet

This packet, which includes 1-day and 2-hour training guides and presentations, a Resources disk, and materials for training activities, helps facilitators train others about ways to reduce the risk for SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death among American Indian/Alaska Native babies.

Healthy Native Babies Project Facilitator's Packet

Healthy Native Babies Project Facilitator's Packet

This packet, which includes 1-day and 2-hour training guides and presentations, a Resources disk, and materials for training activities, helps facilitators train others about ways to reduce the risk for SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death among American Indian/Alaska Native babies.

Evidence for Helping Babies Sleep Safely in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Communities (Webinar Recording)

In this first of three webinars, held February 16, 2022, Healthy Native Babies Project consultants define SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths, describe data specific to AI/AN communities, and discuss challenges and risk and protective factors specific to AI/AN communities, within a context of historical events and resiliency.

Strategies and Practical Tips for Teaching Safe Infant Sleep in AI/AN Communities (Webinar Recording)

In this second of three webinars, held March 16, 2022, Healthy Native Babies Project consultants discuss approaches for promoting safe sleep practices in AI/AN communities, demonstrate practice activities that integrate tailored messages and approaches for AI/AN communities, and apply insights learned from previous Healthy Native Babies Project outreach efforts.

Tools for Addressing Safe Infant Sleep in AI/AN Communities (Webinar Recording)

In this final of three webinars, held April 16, 2022, HNBP consultants access and discuss tools and tailored resources for promoting safe infant sleep in AI/AN communities, explain the resources available from the Project, describe social media outreach opportunities and best practices, and share experiences from previous Project activities to promote safe infant sleep in AI/AN communities.

Healthy Native Babies Project: Training on Safe Infant Sleep Practices (Video Part 1 of 6) 

The Healthy Native Babies Project provides materials and training. This video, segment 1 of 6, features a train-the-trainer session for service providers held in August 2014 in Toppenish, Washington. 

Healthy Native Babies Project: Training on Safe Infant Sleep Practices (Video Part 2 of 6) 

The Healthy Native Babies Project provides materials and training. This video, segment 2 of 6, features a train-the-trainer session for service providers held in August 2014 in Toppenish, Washington.

Healthy Native Babies Project: Training on Safe Infant Sleep Practices (Video Part 3 of 6) 

The Healthy Native Babies Project provides materials and training. This video, segment 3 of 6, features a train-the-trainer session for service providers held in August 2014 in Toppenish, Washington.

Healthy Native Babies Project: Training on Safe Infant Sleep Practices (Video Part 4 of 6)

The Healthy Native Babies Project provides materials and training. This video, segment 4 of 6, features a train-the-trainer session for service providers held in August 2014 in Toppenish, Washington.

Healthy Native Babies Project: Training on Safe Infant Sleep Practices (Video Part 5 of 6)

The Healthy Native Babies Project provides materials and training. This video, segment 5 of 6, features a train-the-trainer session for service providers held in August 2014 in Toppenish, Washington.

Healthy Native Babies Project: Training on Safe Infant Sleep Practices (Video Part 6 of 6)

The Healthy Native Babies Project provides materials and training. This video, segment 6 of 6, features a train-the-trainer session for service providers held in August 2014 in Toppenish, Washington.

Materials for American Indian/Alaska Native Parents and Caregivers