The Safe to Sleep® campaign offers several videos that help explain safe sleep recommendations and highlight ways to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related infant deaths.
Most videos are available in both English and Spanish. Some of them come in different lengths (such as 1 minute or 30 seconds), and some videos are formatted specifically for social media.
On This Page
#ClearTheCrib Challenge in Action
The #ClearTheCrib Challenge is a fun way to teach parents and caregivers about safe sleep for babies. This video shows how communities have made the Challenge their own. Use these ideas as inspiration for your activities during SIDS Awareness Month and beyond.
Learn About the 2022 Recommendations to Reduce the Risk of Sleep-Related Infant Deaths
Learn how to safely keep baby warm while also reducing the risk of sleep-related infant death. Representatives from Safe to Sleep® and the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on SIDS discuss evidence on overheating and overbundling; using wearable blankets; clearing baby’s sleep area of bedding, toys, etc.; and keeping baby’s head uncovered when indoors to reduce the risk of sleep-related infant death.
In addition to a full-length version, several shorter clips that highlight specific messages are also available.
Videos on Safe Infant Sleep
These videos explain safe sleep recommendations and practices to help reduce the risk of SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths. They are available in both full-length (10-minute) and short (60-second) versions. The DVD that is available to order includes all lengths of the video in both English and Spanish.
Audio PSA on Safe Infant Sleep
This audio-only public service announcement (PSA) explains basic safe sleep recommendations and directs listeners to the Safe to Sleep® campaign for more information. Originally created for radio broadcast, the clip was adapted for use on social media.
Videos on Human Milk, Breastfeeding and Safe Infant Sleep
These videos explain ways to practice safe infant sleep while feeding your baby human milk by breastfeeding. This series includes a full-length version (1:20 minutes) and three shorter segments.
A handout on reducing risk for SIDS and breastfeeding goes with the videos to help explain the information.
Videos on the Role of Grandparent and Other Caregivers in Safe Infant Sleep
These videos explain ways that grandparents and other trusted caregivers can help reduce baby’s risk for SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths, while also supporting parents’ safe sleep practices.
In addition to a full-length version, several shorter clips that highlight specific messages are also available. The DVD that is available to order includes all lengths of the video in both English and Spanish.
Audio PSAs on the Role of Grandparent and Other Caregivers in Safe Infant Sleep
These audio-only PSAs model conversations about safe infant sleep practices between parents and grandparents and other caregivers. Originally created for radio broadcast, the clips were adapted for use on social media.
Videos en Español
El desafío de #DespejarLaCuna en acción
Videos sobre el sueño seguro para su bebé
Estos videos explican las recomendaciones y prácticas de sueño seguro para ayudar a reducir el riesgo del síndrome de muerte súbita del bebé y de otras muertes infantiles relacionadas con el sueño. El DVD que está disponible a pedido incluye el video en español e inglés.
Videos sobre el amamantamiento y el sueño seguro
Estos videos explican formas de practicar un sueño infantil seguro y el amamantamiento. Están disponibles en una versión completa (1:33) y tres segmentos más cortos.
Hay disponible un folleto sobre cómo reducir el riesgo de muerte súbita del bebé durante la lactancia (PDF 485 KB) para ayudar a explicar la información en los videos.
Videos sobre el papel de abuelos y otros cuidadores en el sueño seguro
Estos videos explican las formas en que los abuelos y otros cuidadores de confianza pueden reducir el riesgo del síndrome de muerte súbita del bebé y otras muertes infantiles relacionadas con el sueño y apoyar las prácticas de sueño seguro de los padres.
Hay una versión completa y varios clips más cortos que resaltan mensajes específicos. El DVD que está disponible a pedido incluye todas las longitudes del video en español e inglés.