Social & Digital Media

A man and woman seated on a couch, both focused on a tablet in their hands.The Safe to Sleep® campaign offers many free resources to help reach communities on digital channels and spread the word about safe infant sleep.

Please note: The Safe to Sleep® campaign offers photos and graphics for your convenience. If you choose to use these items, you are agreeing to use them only: for educational purposes; in a manner that does not suggest the campaign is endorsing or promoting a specific product, service, individual, or organization; and on materials or items that are freely available/do not require a fee or payment to access.


The Safe to Sleep® images provide examples of safe sleep areas and situations that follow the latest safe sleep recommendations. Through our Flickr album, you can access photos in different sizes for different social media platforms, such as X (Twitter) and Facebook.

Visit the NICHD Flickr album external link

Social Media Messages & Graphics

Use these messages and images from Safe to Sleep® as-is on your social media channels, or tailor the messages for your audiences. The SIDS Awareness Month Toolkit also has ready-made messages and graphics that you can use on social media, during SIDS Awareness Month and beyond. Check out the Toolkit’s social resources. More graphics external link and photos external link are available on NICHD’s Flickr site. 

You can also add hashtags for health observances, such as #BreastfeedingMonth in August or #SIDSAwarenessMonth in October.

Ask your friends or colleagues to like and share your posts.

Instagram Reels

How I Feel About Certain Baby Sleep Spaces external link
Room Sharing Without Bed Sharing external link
Take a Tour of the Safe to Sleep Website external link
Does This Look Like a Safe Sleep Environment? external link
Safe Sleep Spaces are a Delight external link
Cluttered Crib? That’s a Real Quick No external link
Set Up Baby’s Sleep Space Exactly Right external link
A Safe Sleep Space is “Literally Gorgeous” external link

Check out our #ClearTheCrib-themed Instagram reels in the SIDS Awareness Month Toolkit.

How to Address Unsafe Sleep Images

A baby yawns while swaddled in a caregiver's arms.During Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month and beyond, the Safe to Sleep® campaign and its partners hope to normalize safe infant sleep by sharing images and messages that show safe sleep practices in action. During your SIDS Awareness Month activities, you or your organization may receive or be tagged in images or videos that show an unsafe sleep area, or that do not follow safe infant sleep guidelines.

Consider these options for responding to posts that do not follow safe infant sleep guidelines:

  • Send a direct message or reply within the social platform.
  • Email the account that posted the image.
  • Comment on the post, gently noting what about the image is unsafe and offering a link or suggestions for how to follow the guidelines.

Remember, it is important to offer helpful, constructive feedback in a kind and nonjudgmental tone. You can use the following language as is or adjust as needed to respond in these situations.

Learn more about what a safe infant sleep environment looks like.

Short Message or Post for Instagram or X (Twitter)

Thank you for your post. We noticed it doesn’t follow the current safe infant sleep guidelines. Please check out this info & consider posting a new photo or message that follows the guidelines to help spread the word about safe infant sleep:

Long Message or Post for Facebook or LinkedIn

Thanks for your post. We’re reaching out because we noticed that your photo or message doesn’t follow the current safe infant sleep guidelines. Here’s a checklist to help you set up a safe sleep environment for your baby:

We hope you’ll consider posting a new photo or message that follows the safe infant sleep guidelines to show others what a safe sleep environment for baby looks like. We appreciate your efforts! If you have any questions, please let us know.

Dear [Name]:

Thank you for your SIDS Awareness Month post. We appreciate your efforts to spread the word about safe infant sleep. We are reaching out because we noticed that your photo or message does not follow the current safe infant sleep guidelines, and we want to provide you with some resources on this topic.

According to the latest safe infant sleep external link research, a safe sleep area:

  • Is firm and flat (like a mattress in a safety-approved crib, bassinet, or play yard)
  • Is level (not at an angle or inclined)
  • Is covered only with a fitted sheet
  • Has no objects, toys, or items
  • Always has baby sleeping on their back to reduce the risk of SIDS
  • Is in the parents’ room, but separate from their bed

We invite you to review information from the Safe to Sleep® campaign for details on safe infant sleep environments. We hope you will consider taking new pictures of baby in a safe sleep area and posting them for SIDS Awareness Month.

Thank you again for your participation in SIDS Awareness Month outreach. Please let us know if you have any questions.

[Add signature and name of participating organization(s)]



These infographics explain key points related to reducing the risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related infant deaths.  

You can also find these images and more on NICHD’s Flickr album external link. All resources are available for free and have no copyright restrictions. 

Safe Sleep for Your Baby (Vertical)

Safe Sleep for Your Baby Infographic (Vertical).

Safe Sleep for Your Baby (Horizontal)

Safe Sleep Infographic Horizontal

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) by Baby’s Age

Safe sleep by age infographic

Accidental Suffocation and Strangulation During Infant Sleep

Accidental suffocation infographic

3 Key Ways Dads Can Help Baby Sleep Safe

Infographic: Dads—Help Baby Sleep Safe.

Infografías en Español

Estas infografías explican los puntos clave relacionados con la reducción del riesgo del síndrome de muerte súbita del bebé y otras muertes infantiles relacionadas con el sueño. También puede encontrar estas imágenes y más en el álbum de Flickr del NICHD.

Todos los recursos de Seguro al Dormir® están disponibles de forma gratuita y no tienen restricciones de derechos de autor, por lo que puede compartirlos con su audiencia en forma impresa, en las redes sociales y sitios web, y a través de otros canales.

Sueño seguro para su bebé

Sueño seguro para su bebé.

Tres maneras claves para que los papás ayuden a que sus bebés a duerman seguros

Infografía: Padres ayuden a sus bebes a dormir seguros.

Badges & Icons

Because of copyright limitations, the Safe to Sleep® logo is not available by itself for general use.

However, the logo is available upon request as part of the following web-ready badges and printable icons.  

The badges (each 216 × 288 pixels) are a convenient way to link to the Safe to Sleep® website from your digital channels, while the printable icon can be sized as needed for hard copy materials. 

Complete the Badge/Icon Request Form (PDF 69 KB) and submit it to the NICHD Information Resource Center by email ( or by fax (1-866-760-5947). Once your request is received, the NICHD Information Resource Center will contact you about your request. If your request is approved, you will receive the graphic file in an appropriate format as well as any linking or coding information.

  • Image of mother sleeping in her bed with baby sleeping in a bassinet next to her bed. Text: Get information about safe sleep for your baby. Safe to Sleep<sup>®</sup> logo, NICHD logo, and HHS logo are also included.
  • Safe to Sleep<sup>®</sup> logo on a colored background. Text: Get information about safe sleep for your baby.
  • Safe to Sleep<sup>®</sup> logo on a colored background. Text: Get information about safe sleep for your baby. 1-800-505-CRIB (2742)

Web Content for Syndication

The Safe to Sleep® campaign offers a free and easy way to add accurate, up-to-date information on safe infant sleep and SIDS directly to your website. Syndication pulls Safe to Sleep® content into your website’s existing look and feel and updates the content automatically if any changes are made to the source information.

Because the content and graphics are developed by the federal government, they are in the public domain, meaning you can use these items without needing permission so.  

Here’s how to get the syndicated content: 

  • Create a free account at the HHS Syndication Storefront.
  • Sign in, browse, and choose your NIH health topics.
    • Search “Safe to Sleep” to find syndicated pages from the campaign.
  • Add the code snippet to your site—the information on your site will update automatically when we update our page.